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Bad Practice Collect a debt facts:


Is this Your Business?SharePrint Business Profile Critical Resolution Mediation, LLC Collections Agencies

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS INFORMATION See all additional business information Pending Government Action: The following describes a pending government action that has been formally brought by a government agency but has not yet been resolved. We are providing a summary of the government's allegations, which have not yet been proven. October 15, 2020 Atlanta-based company allegedly posed as police, made threats to consumers about non-existent debt. A federal court has shut down an Atlanta-based debt collector in response to a Federal Trade Commission complaint alleging that its agents threatened consumers with arrest and imprisonment and tried to collect debts that consumers did not actually owe. The FTC's complaint alleges that Critical Resolution Mediation LLC's collectors regularly posed as law enforcement officers, attorneys, mediators, or process servers when calling consumers, lending credence to their threats about supposed unpaid debts. In many cases, the defendants were attempting to collect on so-called "phantom" debt--debts that either were never owed--or debts that were no longer owed. According to the complaint, the company's collectors threatened not only to arrest and jail consumers who refused to pay immediately, but also to garnish consumers' wages, revoke their drivers' licenses, or lower their credit scores. In addition, the collectors allegedly contacted consumers at their workplaces or notified their families about the supposed debt, shared consumers' personal information, and threatened serious legal consequences. The collectors allegedly used profane language with consumers who refused to pay or asserted their right to review information about the purported debts. The defendants also refused to provide information about the alleged debts as required under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The complaint charges that Critical Resolution Mediation LLC, Parliament Services LLC, and Brian Charles McKenzie violated both the FTC Act and the FDCPA. The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. The Court entered a temporary restraining order in the case on Sept. 30, 2020. For the complete report BBB reports on known significant government actions involving business' marketplace conduct.


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