How to Improve your Credit Score by 100 points:
How to improve your credit by 100 points in 3 steps:
Fixing errors on credit reports, staying well below credit limits, and building a record of on-time payments can have a big impact in a short time.
It looks good when you are building your credit –status can make your life easier, giving you a better chance of qualifying for loans or credit cards. You also might get lower interest rates, better car insurance rates and a chance to skip utility deposits. Let’s say your score is 620; this is fair credit score range typically considered “bad credit.
If you could reach 720, which is at the bottom of excellent” range, lenders would see you in a very different light. Even a smaller leap to good but not quite excellent credit will give you options you don’t have now.
Re-Cape on the 3-Steps on increase credit score!
Knock the errors off your credit reports.
Stay well under 30% percent of your balance limit.
Make sure you’re current on payment.